About Oakhaven Crime Watch

The Oakhaven Crime Watch was formed in January, 2010 to alert residents of the Oakhaven apartments to possible problems in the apartment complex. The Oakhaven Crime Watch was the first apartment complex in the city of Carrollton to have an active Crime Watch. Although only a few members of the original Crime Watch remain, new members have volunteered.

Currently we have a building captain approach: one person in a building manages the information for that building: tenants' names, phone numbers and email addresses in case of emergency. Building captains send out alerts to other building captains, and then building captains will send out alerts to the tenants of their own building.
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Burglar on the Roof
Not every building has a Crime Watch captain, and we always need more volunteers! If you are interested in volunteering for Crime Watch, email us at oakhavencrimewatch @ gmail.com (remove the spaces around the @ sign). Even if your building already has a captain, we always need more eyes and ears to keep our apartment complex one of the safest in the city!

The picture of McGruff is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work of the United States Federal Government under the terms of Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105 of the US Code.